Why a solid comms strategy is imperative to success in the new world of games. 

The gaming industry is currently grappling with numerous challenges. Growth has stagnated, development costs have soared to unsustainable levels, and traditional strategies that once guaranteed success are no longer effective. Most critically, the expenditure required to reach audiences has spiraled out of control due to factors like the loss of IDFA and rising cost-per-installs (CPIs). As a result, only a select few companies with significant resources can afford to maintain and scale their reach through marketing. This dynamic has rendered the marketing landscape less competitive, as the brand with the most capital can simply overshadow its rivals.

This broken relationship between the industry and marketing is a result of major publishers being caught in an endless cycle of trying to outdo each other, leading to exponentially increasing marketing budgets. The push by industry giants to create global mega-games has further driven up development costs, necessitating larger marketing budgets to mitigate the risk of not recouping their investment. This race to the top has left smaller developers, indie studios, and AA productions struggling to survive in an environment dominated by massive spending.

Smaller developers face not only the challenge of capturing user attention but also the difficulty of securing venture capital, which is becoming increasingly scarce in a volatile market. This results in even smaller budgets, making it harder to compete with larger companies and established intellectual properties. Earning awareness has become more difficult than ever.

So, what can smaller developers and publishers do to navigate these challenging market conditions and make an impact? The answer lies in a tool that has always been within reach: public relations and communications.

There is a common misconception that PR is limited to occasional press releases or game launch announcements. However, when used strategically and effectively, PR can provide studios with the competitive edge needed to build an audience, establish a brand, and position their franchise among the industry's leading names. One of the primary obstacles businesses face when investing in PR is the difficulty of correlating it with traditional marketing metrics, such as CPI, and comparing spend versus performance.

In a marketplace biased towards established titles with substantial marketing budgets, smaller studios often struggle to break through the noise and attract attention. PR offers a level playing field. By focusing on brand and human storytelling, studios can significantly enhance awareness of their titles by leveraging media, influencers, and various other channels to differentiate themselves from the industry’s biggest players.

While marketing is designed to generate awareness, public relations is geared towards fostering loyalty and building a lasting reputation. High-quality trailers, ads, and promotional stunts are temporary tools that drive hype for a limited period. In contrast, strategic comms efforts can establish a brand identity that attracts users, talent, and investors for years to come.

The core value of PR lies in its ability to break away from overly corporate messaging and engage with an audience in an honest and respectful manner. Media outlets are independent, critical, and discerning, which makes narratives placed with them appear trustworthy and transparent compared to paid marketing placements. Players are increasingly aware of when they are being marketed to and often overlook obvious advertisements. However, interviews and thought leadership content that provide insight into a studio are hugely powerful.

Audiences want to know who they are investing in and why. What sets your brand apart from others? How do you tap into their interests in a way that no one else does? How can you showcase the human talent that makes your studio more exciting than a faceless billion-dollar entity?

Both players and investors seek to see the passion driving development; they want assurance that they are in safe hands. PR is not a fleeting effort but a sustained initiative that evolves and grows over time. Think of it as an ongoing conversation, where each new piece of content reveals more about your business and its goals.

Larian Studios, the creators of the highly successful Baldur’s Gate 3, exemplifies this approach. It would be a mistake to assume that their success story began and ended with Baldur’s Gate 3. Over nearly 30 years, Larian, led by founder Sven Vincke, has cultivated a reputation not only through excellent game releases but also through a long-standing and consistent brand identity. Fiercely independent, resistant to trends, and focused on consumers, Larian’s history has been marked by candid developer commentary and insights that have earned consumer confidence and trust. During a particularly challenging year for the industry, Sven emerged as a critical voice against harmful trends, highlighting Larian’s thoughtful development approach as the key to their recent success. Larian’s established history and earned trust made them the ideal voice to speak out, further solidifying their strong reputation—a perfect example of a brand’s identity coming to fruition.

All of this success stems from a carefully considered and highly refined approach to brand voice—a process driven by PR that extends far beyond a simple press release or announcement. Years of thoughtful media relations, strong branding, and strategic spokesperson management have all contributed to this outcome.

The games industry now needs PR more than ever and must recognise its value. 

Effective communication has the power to transform your story into the driving force behind your success, helping you find your niche, audience, and the support needed to make a meaningful impact. With the right strategy, PR can become the foundation upon which you build a loyal audience and a strong brand, ultimately driving long-term sustainable success and helping you navigate the rapid fluctuations in marketing performance.


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